Blackjack is my favourite game

Have a question for an expert, so your post comes at a good time 😉
had 18 on hand, dealer 17 (ace, 4 and 3). Thought we would then stand at 17 as the rule says. For some reason (unknown to me) the dealer drew another card, said something about being at 7 again. Absolutely no idea what happened there. So is there even such a thing like stand at 17 or am i totally wrong for thinking that there was a rule like that???

“had 18 on hand, dealer 17 (ace, 4 and 3). Thought we would then stand at 17 as the rule says. For some reason (unknown to me) the dealer drew another card, said something about being at 7 again. Absolutely no idea what happened there. So is there even such a thing like stand at 17 or am i totally wrong for thinking that there was a rule like that??? ”
Actually it could have been that dealar had an Ace and there for 6/17 meaning he can draw one more.