Forum Rules

Welcome to the GambleBoost forum!

Our ultimate goal is to provide a modern online casino community platform for online casino enthusiasts.
GambleBoost community members can share their gaming experiences and gambling stories, exchange opinions about the latest developments and create a network of gambling enthusiasts in our GambleBoost forum.
The GambleBoost forum is an inviting place for everyone who wants to exchange information and opinions about gambling related topics.
In order to keep our forum enjoyable for everyone we established the following forum rules that must be followed by our GambleBoost community members:

1. Disclaimer

a. Any forum posts automatically become the property of when posted.
b. Posts remain accessible even after the deletion of a user profile.
c. The opinions and views expressed within the GambleBoost forum do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of GambleBoost.
d. GambleBoost reserves the right to delete, edit or move posts in case their content contradicts the forum rules, hinders the discussion or contains insults, abusive language or similar.
e. GambleBoost reserves the right to report posts and user behavior that violated applicable laws.
f. GambleBoost reserves the right to regulate, adapt or entirely forego the use of BoostCoins as part of the website and the GambleBoost reward system. In the ladder case, GambleBoost assumes no liability for subsequent assertion as the registered users automatically waive their rights for disbursement.

2. General Information

a. Community members that do not abide by the website and forum rules will lose their posting privileges and/or get banned from the forum for a specified period of time or permanently. In the ladder case, the respective user automatically loses the collected BoostCoins.
b. Insulting, threatening, hateful, abusive, racist, sexual, violent and sexist posts will not be tolerated and immediately removed. The same goes for posts that do not adhere to the forum rules. The posts will not be edited, but entirely removed from the forum.
c. False statements, false allegations and slander are forbidden in this forum. This includes false statements about wins, losses, transactions and playing experiences in general.
d. Posts must not be copied or pasted in the forum itself and/or into other forums. Copying is only permitted with explicit permission of the author.
e. Post length, content and style must be appropriate in order to stay relevant and easy to read.

3. Rules of Conduct

a. Respect and constructiveness are key!
b. Please remember that every post is written by a real person who has individual opinions and feelings. Think of your human counterpart when creating your posts and stay factual.
c. Everyone is welcome to share their opinions, views and criticisms as long as they are constructive. The forum was created to provide a platform for respectful exchanges of opinions and interests.
d. Consider that your posts are public on the forum.
e. In case you experience a violation of the forum rules and/or the privacy notice, please contact us at Our GambleBoost team will take care of the issue.
f. The general language of the forum is English

4. Content Creating

a. Please consider the existing threads and posting in one of them before opening a new thread. Use the search function to check if the respective topic already has a thread.
b. Posts in threads should fit the topic of the respective thread.
c. Advertising activities and spamming and behavior, including posting links to competitor sites and affiliates, are forbidden. For commercial or marketing enquiries please contact
d. Personal data, such as e-mail addresses, real names or contact data, must not be posted publicly in the forum.
e. Please refrain from posting the same posts more than once. Cross postings and duplicate posts will be deleted.
f. Support your statements in the post with sources if necessary (e.g. quotes, links)

Enjoy your GambleBoost experience! For further questions please write us at or click on the mail-to button.

BoostCoins: The official currency of the GambleBoost community

Our ultimate goal at GambleBoost is to improve our online community’s gambling experience by constantly providing the latest and most interesting pieces of information and profitable online casino offers as well as creating a community of gambling enthusiasts. In order to show our appreciation for our community’s involvement and active participation in the GambleBoost forum as well as on our website in general, we as GambleBoost reward our members with BoostCoins.

What are BoostCoins?

BoostCoins are a virtual currency that can be collected by registered users on the website BoostCoins cannot be purchased as they are a part of the GambleBoost reward system and can only be obtained through active participation on GambleBoost.
BoostCoins can be exchanged for vouchers and rewards in our GambleBoost shop.

How can I collect BoostCoins?

BoostCoins can be collected all over! For further information take a look at the list below:

  • Sign up, create your profile, write a forum entry and get rewarded with 25 BoostCoins from the get go!
  • Write a casino review, max out the word counters over the individual text boxes, fill in the entire form and collect up to 5,000 BoostCoins!
  • Same goes for reviewing games! Fill out the evaluation categories to the max and collect up to 2,000 BoostCoins.
  • Have you seen something interesting related to the topic of online casinos or do you have a news article idea? Give us your hint by filling out the BoostUs form. For every hint that gets approved and converted into content on GambleBoost, you will receive 100 BoostCoins!
  • Recommend GambleBoost and profit from the refer a friend bonus! For every friend that signs up for GambleBoost and writes an online casino as well as a game review, you will automatically collect 100 BoostCoins.
  • The heart of the GambleBoost community is certainly our forum. Active participation is key. You will receive BoostCoins for sharing your posts on social media (5 BoostCoins per post, up to 50 posts in total), uploading pictures (5 BoostCoins per picture, up to 50 pictures in total), receiving likes from other community members (1 BoostCoin per Like, up to 1,000 likes in total) or writing forum entries (1 BoostCoin per entry, up to 1,000 entries in total).
  • Collecting badges and being promoted to the next level by collecting enough BoostCoins to level up will of course be rewarded as well!

How do I level up?

In order to level up, you must collect enough BoostCoins. The number of necessary BoostCoins depends on the requirement of the next level. Being promoted to a higher level will happen automatically when reaching the minimum requirement. You can collect BoostCoins by fulfilling the tasks mentioned in the list above. Remember that there are lots of badges, exciting sweepstakes and promotional events that allow you to collect extra BoostCoins!
On GambleBoost, there are 15 levels in total. Each level has a predetermined BoostCoin threshold value. These particular values increase with each level. Remember that your overall BoostCoin count will not decrease in the process of spending your redeemable BoostCoins. In this case, only the count of the redeemable BoostCoins will decrease accordingly.
As a brand new GambleBoost member you will start at the initial Novice level. Do not forget to finish your profile and write a forum entry as these tasks will get you 25 BoostCoins from the get go. The next bonus is not far off considering that you will get another one for your first level up! The ultimate level is, of course, the Black Diamond VIP.

Level Level Name Boost Coins
1 Novice 0
2 Student 5000
3 Amateur 10000
4 Pro 15000
5 Champion 24000
6 Expert 30000
7 Grand Master 35000
8 Veteran 40000
9 Legend 45000
10 Bronze VIP 50000
11 Silver VIP 75000
12 Gold VIP 100000
13 Platinum VIP 150000
14 Diamond VIP 200000
15 Black Diamond VIP 250000


How do I collect badges?

With the exception of badges that can only be accomplished once, badges usually have five levels of achievement. These levels are represented in the design of the badges that appear on the personal profile. The initial badge is therefore colorless. This particular badge level is followed by the bronze, silver and golden badge design. The most superior badge design is inspired by the overall GambleBoost design. Remember that you get rewarded with extra BoostCoins when reaching the silver, gold and GambleBoost badge levels!

Currently, users can collect the following badges:

  • Casino Critic
  • Game Enthusiast
  • BoostUs Reporter
  • Feedback Giver
  • Feedback Receiver
  • Overachiever
  • Trusted User
  • Celebrity Status
  • GambleBoost Scout
  • True Booster

In order to get those badges users have to fulfill the following tasks, respectively:

  • Casino Critic:
    Write and submit online casino reviews with a text length of at least 250 words.
  • Game Enthusiast:
    Write and submit online casino game reviews with a text length of at least 250 words.
  • BoostUs Reporter:
    Write and submit a BoostUs hint. Hint must be approved by GambleBoost.
  • Feedback Giver:
    Show your appreciation for helpful and interesting content by leaving likes.
  • Feedback Receiver:
    Collect good feedback for your posts and contents.
  • Overachiever:
    Climb the community leaderboard and be the top user of the month.
  • Trusted User:
    Get verified as a trusted user by GambleBoost through active participation and outstanding contributions.
  • Celebrity Status:
    Post interesting entries and collect followers.
  • GambleBoost Scout:
    Recommend GambleBoost to your friends. Friends must sign in, create a profile and write at least one online casino and one online casino game review.
  • True Booster
    Climb the levels to the very top.

Where can I check my BoostCoin count?

You can check your BoostCoin count on your personal profile page. On your profile, you will find pieces of information about your level status, level progress, the requisite BoostCoins for leveling up, the exact count of the collected BoostCoins in total and the currently redeemable BoostCoins.

Where can I exchange my BoostCoins?

Visit our GambleBoost shop and check out the rewards! You can exchange BoostCoins for various rewards. We aim to gradually add more and more reward options to the shop. Remember that your overall BoostCoin count will not decrease despite spending your redeemable BoostCoins. Solely the count of redeemable BoostCoins will decrease accordingly.